Saturday 15 March 2014

The Most Common Gray Hair Myths Debunked

There are two groups of aging people. Those who embrace their grays as a badge of gracefully growing older-- the ones who end up better looking as a result of a little salt and pepper-- and those who live in fear of mirrors and of waking up looking like Cruella Deville. Chances are, if you're reading this, you're of the latter.
We've all heard plenty of myths about gray hair and have stood in front of the mirror agonizing over whether or not to pluck away the sign of your fading youth. We've done the research for you and have debunked the great plucking debate and other common misconceptions about gray hair.
Don't worry. Plucking one gray will not result in two, three, or seven more. Promise. 
Who hasn't heard this old wives tale? Turns out there's not a bit of truth to it, cosmetic scientist and author Randy Scheuller told the "Today Show." Plucking may seem like a good idea, but it won't remove the hair follicle, and a new hair will eventually grow back in. Scheuller says what you do to one hair won't at all affect the other hairs around it or make you sprout several more grays. But, don't pick up the tweezers just yet. Scheuller also warns that plucking the hair can cause permanent damage to the follicle, meaning instead of a gray hair growing back, you might not have one at all! Gray doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
You won't "give" yourself gray hair.
At the start of every presidential inauguration people will compare the president's current hair color to what it was when he was first sworn in or before he started campaigning. It may seem a compelling argument, as many past presidents have gone gray in office, but there's really no scientific evidence to back up the claim.
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Patrik Giardino via Getty Images

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