Monday 15 July 2013

12 Things Americans Love That The Rest Of The World Finds Bizarre

A few weeks ago, we brought you the highlight responses to a Reddit list asking what things Americans do that the rest of the world finds bizarre.
Of course, there's an endless list of things that reveal major cultural differences.
Today, we bring you a follow-up list to a related thread: which is also on Reddit.
Here were some key ones.


"I don't get it, why would someone watch that?" — SirenEveLine
Kurt Busch, NASCAR Crash
Fox Sports

Pep rallies and cheerleaders

"I go to an international school in Europe, and the American community in the school decided that having some "school spirit" would be a fantastic idea. So they made us sit in the gym for an hour while the student council tried to get us to sing a song and then we watched teachers vs students basket ball. It was bloody painful." — CharizardTurtle
"Why do you need a group of young girls to get you all excited to support your American Football/Basketball/Hockey team. In all honesty when they come on the sports ground here its seen as kinda pervy if you're a man and watch them perform." — HMFCalltheway

usc cheerleaders
Brian Bahr/Getty Images

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