Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran on May 4, 2013. (Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty)
1. Public Speaker
For better or worse, Ahmadinejad has always been able to take a public speech and turn it into a spectacle. Infamously, his 2011 speech at the United Nations was so antagonistic toward the U.S. and other Western nations that American diplomats led a walkout that included the delegations of more than 30 countries. And that wasn't the first time he provoked an exodus—just the year before, he used his U.N. speechas a platform to accuse the American government of "orchestrating" the 9/11 attacks. Clearly this guy knows how to work an audience.
2. Astronaut
He's always had super-sized ambitions. Earlier this year, Ahmadinejad graciouslyvolunteered to go into space for the good of his nation. "I'm ready to be the first Iranian to sacrifice myself for our country's scientists," he told a state news agency in February. Ultimately, the nation reportedly sent a live monkey into orbit instead, so the title of first Iranian human in space is still up for grabs.
3. Fashion Consultant
Ahmadinejad may talk a big game on the global stage, but sartorially speaking, he's a man of the people. The leader is well-known for his love of cheap windbreakersand rocking a suit without a tie, so perhaps he could launch a casual line of menswear at a reasonable price point. And he's already done some market research: on a trip to New York in 2012, his aides reportedly spent cash around town, bargain shopping at Payless Shoesource, Costco, Walgreens, and more. It may not be Bergdorf's, but it's a start.
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