Budapest, III Római part a Népsziget felÅ‘l, háttérben a Csúcshegy fortepan_20259~1930
Hungarian photographer Kerényi Zoltán gives a haunting perspective of his hometown of Budapest in his photo series Ablak a Multra, or "Window to the Past."
Zoltán juxtaposes decades-old images of buildings and scenes around the cities with brand new photos, taken in the identical location as the originals. 
The images recently went viral on Reddit, and it's easy to see why. Zoltán has shared a selection of his photographs from Budapest with us. To see more of his work, check out his Facebook page and website.

Budapest's parliament building in 1976, and today.

Budapest's parliament building in 1976, and today.

Riders on a streetcar in 1954. Today it's a streetcar route through the city.

Riders on a streetcar in 1954. Today it's a streetcar route through the city.

The street looks the same, but the modes of transportation have changed (1957 and today).

The street looks the same, but the modes of transportation have changed (1957 and today).

A walk on the promenade, in 1900 and today.

A walk on the promenade, in 1900 and today.