Mark Quartiano, also known as Mark the Shark, is a famous Florida
 captain who has caught thousands of sharks. But the 800-pound rare
 catch he reeled in over the weekend was something he had never seen 
before, ABC News reports.
“When we first saw it, we didn’t know what it was. It looked really odd … 
like some kind of dinosaur,” Quartiano told GrindTV, adding that the 
creature was out of the water for three or four minutes for a photo
 before being set free.
Quartiano says he was fishing at a depth of about 500 feet, looking to
 reel in a shark for a Japanese TV show, when he hooked the massive fish.
“I hooked that monster and it took about four hours to bring it up. At first 
I thought it was a large thresher shark, because that’s kind of the way
 they fight,” he said.
But a closer look at the photo Quartiano captured and posted to Instagram
 has some experts identifying the creature as a roughtail stingray known 
as Dasyatis centroura.